Debugging a parallel program is not easy, so Taichi provides built-in utilities that could hopefully help you debug your Taichi program.
Runtime print
in Taichi-scope
print(arg1, ..., sep='', end='\n')
Debug your program with print()
in Taichi-scope. For example:
def inside_taichi_scope():
x = 256
print('hello', x)
#=> hello 256
print('hello', x * 2 + 200)
#=> hello 712
print('hello', x, sep='')
#=> hello256
print('hello', x, sep='', end='')
print('world', x, sep='')
#=> hello256world256
m = ti.Matrix([[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]])
print('m =', m)
#=> m = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]
v = ti.Vector([3, 4])
print('v =', v)
#=> v = [3, 4]
ray = ti.Struct({
"ori": ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
"dir": ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
"len": 1.0
# print(ray)
# Print a struct directly in Taichi-scope has not been supported yet
# Instead, use:
print('ray.ori =', ray.ori, ', ray.dir =', ray.dir, ', ray.len =', ray.len)
#=> ray.ori = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ray.dir = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ray.len = 1.0
For now, Taichi-scope print
supports string, scalar, vector, and
matrix expressions as arguments. print
in Taichi-scope may be a little
different from print
in Python-scope. Please see the details below.
in Taichi-scope is currently supported on the CPU, CUDA, OpenGL, and Metal backends.
For the CPU and CUDA backends, print
will not work in Graphical
Python Shells including IDLE and Jupyter notebook. This is because these
backends print the outputs to the console instead of the GUI. Use the
OpenGL or Metal backend if you wish to use print
in IDLE /
For the CUDA backend, the printed result will not show up until
is called:
import taichi as ti
def kern():
print('inside kernel')
print('before kernel')
print('after kernel')
print('after sync')
results in:
before kernel
after kernel
inside kernel
after sync
Note that host access or program end will also implicitly invoke
Note that print
in Taichi-scope can only receive comma-separated
parameters. Neither f-string nor formatted string should be used. For
import taichi as ti
a = ti.field(ti.f32, 4)
def foo():
a[0] = 1.0
print('a[0] = ', a[0]) # right
print(f'a[0] = {a[0]}') # wrong, f-string is not supported
print("a[0] = %f" % a[0]) # wrong, formatted string is not supported
Compile-time ti.static_print
Sometimes it is useful to print Python-scope objects and constants like
data types or SNodes in Taichi-scope. So, similar to ti.static
, Taichi
provides ti.static_print
to print compile-time constants, which is similar
to Python-scope print
x = ti.field(ti.f32, (2, 3))
y = 1
def inside_taichi_scope():
# => 1
# => (2, 3)
# => DataType.float32
for i in range(4):
# => DataType.int32
# will only print once
Unlike print
, ti.static_print
will only print the expression once at
compile-time, and therefore it has no runtime cost.
Serial execution
The automatic parallelization feature of Taichi may lead to
non-deterministic behaviors. For debugging purposes, it may be useful to
serialize program execution to get repeatable results and to diagnose
data races. When running your Taichi program on CPUs, you can initialize
Taichi to use a single thread with cpu_max_num_threads=1
, so that the
whole program becomes serial and deterministic. For example,
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, cpu_max_num_threads=1)
If your program works well in serial but not in parallel, check parallelization-related issues such as data races.
Runtime assert
in Taichi-scope
Programmers may use assert
statements in Taichi-scope. When the
assertion condition fails, a TaichiAssertionError
will be raised to indicate
the error.
is currently supported on the CPU, CUDA, and Metal backends.
For performance reasons, assert
only works when debug
is on. For example:
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu, debug=True)
x = ti.field(ti.f32, 128)
def do_sqrt_all():
for i in x:
assert x[i] >= 0
x[i] = ti.sqrt(x)
When you are done with debugging, simply set debug=False
. Now assert
will be ignored and there will be no runtime overhead.
Compile-time ti.static_assert
ti.static_assert(cond, msg=None)
Like ti.static_print
, Taichi also provides a static version of assert
. It can be useful to make assertions on data types,
dimensionality, and shapes. It works whether debug=True
is specified
or not. When an assertion fails, it will raise an AssertionError
, just
like a Python-scope assert
For example:
def copy(dst: ti.template(), src: ti.template()):
ti.static_assert(dst.shape == src.shape, "copy() needs src and dst fields to be same shape")
for I in ti.grouped(src):
dst[I] = src[I]
return x % 2 == 1
Pretty Taichi-scope traceback
Taichi reports traceback messages when encountered errors in Taichi-scope. For example:
import taichi as ti
def func3():
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)
def func2():
def func1():
def func0():
The above snippet would trigger a long and scaring AssertionError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 342, in build_Call
node.ptr = node.func.ptr(*args, **keywords)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 471, in static_assert
assert cond
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 360, in build_Call
node.ptr = node.func.ptr(*args, **keywords)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 59, in decorated
return fun.__call__(*args)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/", line 178, in __call__
ret = transform_tree(tree, ctx)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 8, in transform_tree
ASTTransformer()(ctx, tree)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 488, in build_Module
build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 451, in build_FunctionDef
build_stmts(ctx, node.body)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 1086, in build_stmts
build_stmt(ctx, stmt)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 26, in __call__
raise e
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 23, in __call__
return method(ctx, node)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 964, in build_Expr
build_stmt(ctx, node.value)
File "/Users/lanhaidong/taichi/taichi/python/taichi/lang/ast/", line 32, in __call__
raise TaichiCompilationError(msg)
taichi.lang.exception.TaichiCompilationError: On line 10 of file "misc/":
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)
The error message can be verbose and scary. However, many stack frames reveal
Taichi compiler implementation details, which are too noisy for debugging.
In current version, you could choose to suppress the level of traceback messages by setting sys.tracebacklimit
which makes the stack traceback from Taichi-scope more intuitive:
import taichi as ti
import sys
which makes the result look like:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
taichi.lang.exception.TaichiCompilationError: On line 10 of file "misc/":
ti.static_assert(1 + 1 == 3)
Moreover, when filing an issue, please always unset the sys.tracebacklimit
value and paste full traceback messages.
Debugging Tips
Debugging a Taichi program can be hard even with the above built-in tools. Here we showcase some common bugs that one may encounter in a Taichi program.
Static type system
Python code in Taichi-scope is translated into a statically typed language for high performance. This means code in Taichi-scope can have a different behavior compared with that in Python-scope, especially when it comes to types.
The type of a variable is determined at its initialization and never changes later.
Although Taichi's static type system provides better performance, it may lead to bugs if programmers use the wrong types. For example:
def buggy():
ret = 0 # 0 is an integer, so `ret` is typed as int32
for i in range(3):
ret += 0.1 * i # i32 += f32, the result is still stored in int32!
print(ret) # will show 0
The code above shows a common bug due to misuse of Taichi's static type system. The Taichi compiler should show a warning like:
[W 06/27/20 21:43:51.853] [type_check.cpp:visit@66] [$19] Atomic add (float32 to int32) may lose precision.
This means that Taichi cannot store a float32
result precisely to
. The solution is to initialize ret
as a float-point value:
def not_buggy():
ret = 0.0 # 0 is a floating point number, so `ret` is typed as float32
for i in range(3):
ret += 0.1 * i # f32 += f32. OK!
print(ret) # will show 0.6
Advanced Optimization
By default, Taichi runs a handful of advanced IR optimizations to make your Taichi kernels as performant as possible. Unfortunately, advanced optimization may occasionally lead to compilation errors, such as the following:
RuntimeError: [verify.cpp:basic_verify@40] stmt 8 cannot have operand 7.
You can turn off the advanced optimizations with
and see if it makes a difference. If
the issue persists, please feel free to report this bug on